Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Research: What constitutes a date?

If you've ever looked at the research about the amount of words that a woman uses versus a man.....I'm definitely one of those women!  Not that I exactly always have words of wisdom or elaborate conversations, fact is:  I like to talk!  Always have...always will!  Now liking to talk has nothing to do with anyone listening...just so you know!

Last night after this all started, my mind was racing with ideas!  (Also, I think that prednisone helped it,too)  Anyway, back to the topic...What and where is this going?  Who really gives a hoot?  Who will really want to post things on "my blog"?  Is this something our future will cherish as words to live by?  I came to the startling realization:  probably not!  But what the heck....Once again, I have things to say.  So here goes:

Today's topic is:  Dating

My friend, Momzog, and I have had numerous conversations about this simple word.  (I can feel the eyes rolling on this one!)  This is good, solid home grown Southern Advice.
  • For our men:
    • Never blow the horn for your date to let them know you are there to pick them up
    • Never text or call the young lady to let them know you are there to pick them up (can you believe that I'm saying that one?)
    • Always walk to the door and at least speak to the young lady's parents
    • Make small talk if necessary
    • Open the door for the young lady
    • Assure her parents that you are going to have her home on time
  • For our ladies:
    • Never entertain a young man when your parents aren't home--(did I just hear a Good Lord from my daughter?)
    • Never, I say: NEVVA entertain a young man in your bedroom and if you are in the bedroom---DOOR STAYS OPEN!
    • Engage in conversation about the young man to your momma (she has a need to know)
    • Give young man's parental background to parents (it's a need to know thing)
    • Never go on a date with a young man that blows the horn for you to come out
    • Never go on a date with a young man that texts you that he's in your driveway
    • Men need to come to the door and properly greet all, including you!
Now that those simple rules have been established, let's delve more into dating.  At one time I was never confused about going on a date.  Now, I simply am not sure what constitutes a date.  If you see someone for more than, let's say 5 or 6 times, that WAS classified as dating.  Dating lasting longer than 3 months was surely--Going Steady.  I don't think that's the case any more.  These are simple, easy to understand statements for dating.  So, why is dating such a mystery now?  

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Wisdom from my childhood friend Sandra Goff Davidson

Sandra Goff Davidson :A true Southern Belle never goes any where's empty handed.

Now friends that is ONE true statement!!!  Surely, each of you have been to a Southern Funeral!!!  Best food in the world....that in itself is another great blog...Funeral recipes!!!

Till we meet again!!!

Let's Get This Rolling!

So if you're not from the South and reading this....get an interpreter!  You see, I've got this hankering....a hankering to make sure that everything Southern is put into words for my New York transplanted daughter!  As most of my friends know, my daughter transplanted herself to NYC to settle down, get a job and get own with her life!  That's not a bad thing, however; it's a distance from her Southern roots here in Mississippi! I said....hence the blog.

There are several Southern Truths that we Middle Aged Southern Belles know for sure....
  • Bless her heart may not be a good thing
  • Lord have Mercy is firm for I can't believe it!
  • Never leave home without lipstick (some of my friends really believe this) I think more of lip moisturizer!
  • There is nothing like Sweet Tea!
Of course this is the beginning....yep the beginning.  Join in for the fun....Friends, Southern advice can be the best thing we ever pass down to our girls!  There is no age limit and no certain topic....other must be good Solid Southern Advice...

Until we meet's chicken and dumplings for supper and banana pudding for dessert!

love to all and mean it!

If you'd like to add a blog...send it to me and I'll copy/paste the whole thing for you!!!